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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Online Ministry for the Week 11/28 - 12/04 2016


God, source of all light, bu your Word you give light to the soul. Pour out on us the spirit of wisdom and understanding that our hearts and minds may be opened. Amen.



Healthy Goals

So I do not run without a goal. I fight like a boxer who is hitting something—not just the air. 

Goals can be what keep you moving forward when you feel like giving up. They are like magnets that pull you forward and give you hope.

To set specific goals, though, you need to know the difference between pressures and priorities. You need to know the difference between activity and achievement, between what’s urgent and what’s important. You need to know what matters most. If you focus your energy on goals that aren’t God-directed, your energy won’t have much power. Energy that is focused has enormous power. Paul modeled this in 1 Corinthians 9:26.

Think of one or two goals in relation to your health that will help you move in the right direction.

—The Daniel Plan Team

—The Daniel Plan brief excerpt from The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life by Rick Warren, DMin; Daniel Amen, MD; & Mark Hyman, MD (Zondervan). © 2013 by The Daniel Plan. Used with permission. All rights reserved.


Adoration from the Heart (Psalm 145:4–5)

Praising God is not something that comes naturally to anyone. Praise runs an aggravating interference pattern against your nature. Occasionally, praise feels more like a duty, an obligatory lip service performed at the opening of prayer. With persistence every believer can learn to praise God in all things.

Who is to praise God? All of God’s people, all of creation (Ps 145:4–5; Isa 55:12). Where do you praise God? Praise is fitting wherever you are (Ps 96:3). How do you praise God? Praise is expressed through words and music (Ps 33:1–3). When do you praise God? God should be praised at all times (Ps 34:1). What do you praise God for? God is praised for his greatness (Ps 150:2). Why do you praise God? God is worthy of your praise (Rev 5:12).

Praise is your best weapon against Satan. When you praise God, you are showing the heavenly hosts, powers, principalities, demons of darkness and angels of light that your great God is worthy of praise—no matter what your circumstances. Praise produces victory, and victory evokes praise. The process is cyclical.

Genuine praise must flow from your heart even during times of sorrow, discouragement, trial and temptation (Ps 42:5). The praise of his people brings glory to God. What a privilege it is to bring God joy!

Taken from The Woman’s Study Bible ©2014 HarperCollins Christian Publishing


Gracious God, we lift our voices to glorify you! You sent your Son Jesus to lead us in wisdom and mercy. His kindness to the poor and meek reveals the harmony of your heavenly kingdom. Help our church’s ministries to demonstrate your love for the world. We dedicate our tithes and offerings to bless people in our community who are searching for Christ’s abiding peace. We pray in his name. Amen. (Isaiah 11)

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