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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Online Ministry for Week 8/22 - 8/28 2016

Offering from our 8/21/2016 Sunday Service in Unalaska, Alaska was dedicated to Stop Soldier Suicide, a non profit organization who connects active duty and veteran soldiers with the resources they need to address many of the stresses they face, including: job loss, relationship issues, financial worries, housing and more. We dedicated $220.00 in memory of Mike Miller who served in the Coast Guard and was stationed in Unalaska/Dutch Harbor 2014-2015. Please give to in memory of Mike if you can.


God of majestic glory, in humility you have revealed yourself in the incarnation of your Son, Jesus Christ, who took the lowest place among us that we might be raised to the heights of divinity. Teach us to walk the path he prepared for us, so that we might take a place at the table with all who seek the joy of his kingdom. Amen.




Facing Failure. Today's reading is a brief excerpt from The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life by Rick Warren, DMin; Daniel Amen, MD; & Mark Hyman, MD (Zondervan). © 2013 by The Daniel Plan. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1 (NLT)

Failure does not automatically grow your character. Failure only builds your character when you respond to it correctly, when you learn from it, when you grow from it, when you say, “What didn’t work here, and what can I change?” When you think about failure and setbacks like this, your heart softens. Then you can bolster your next steps off what you learned.

The NIV 365 Day Devotional

Encouragement (Acts 20:17–21)

Paul was a great encourager. Why? Because he worked at it. After he planted a church, he was conscientious about visiting whenever possible, writing letters and sending others to minister in his absence. He always assured people of his accessibility, even though he may physically have been many miles away or even locked up in a prison cell. During Paul’s meeting with the Ephesian elders he imparted some guidance for the godly leader who wants to uplift others.

First, Paul was able to lend support because his listeners respected his example. If he had been unable to speak the words in verses 17–21 with a clear conscience, the meeting would have been over. He had made an investment in time and had demonstrated by his example that he was a man of integrity. Second, Paul didn’t gloss over or distort reality (see vv. 22–31). Supporting people when all the news is good does not set one apart as a gifted encourager. Neither does soft-pedaling bad news. No matter what reality looks like, the leader who trusts God must blend God’s sovereign presence with motivation to faithful effort (see vv. 32–35). Third, Paul prayed with the elders before his departure (v. 36) and demonstrated genuine love and care for them (see v. 37).

Paul’s story in this passage demonstrates that encouragement doesn’t always accompany auspicious circumstances. Paul was facing hardship and separation from his friends, and their parting was difficult. But his uplifting words despite the coming trials show us that the gift of encouragement must always be related to both God’s sovereign power and the leader’s genuine concern.

Taken from NIV Leadership Bible©2014 HarperCollins Christian Publishing


Gracious God, you are the fountain of living water! You alone relieve the thirst in our lives and bring the peace that passes understanding. Soften our hearts and give us an humble spirit in our daily work and relationships. Help us to show others the generosity and kindness of Jesus, simply because it is pleasing in your sight. Let our gifts and offerings serve your purposes in the world, bringing refreshment to a world thirsting for peace and justice. We ask this in the name of Christ, our Lord. Amen.
(Luke 14:1, 7­14)

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